
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How To Live a Better Life with Life Coaching By Priya Deelchand

We all dream of a better life, a happier tomorrow, a brighter future. Today we live in a world which is in a chaotic state. Everyday in the news, we hear only of calamities and bad news which are happening all around our planet. Hearing such things now appears normal to us but in reality, it is not!

Even our lives are confused. We are no longer living, we are simply existing. That’s not the way life should be and we human beings are not meant to live such lives. We deserve better, happier and more fulfilling lives. This is our birthright and this is what we are here for. For most of us, this seems impossible. We are so used to live our lives by default that living a life that we truly want seems too good to be true. Yet, this is possible through appropriate life coaching and right application of proper techniques such as the Law of Attraction, Emotional Freedom Techniques, etc. We all deserve and are meant to live our best possible life. We can and we must all become directors of our lives instead of being mere spectators.

In all parts of the world, people have become very well off on the material level. We can afford most of the things that we want but we no longer know how to live and how to enjoy simple pleasures of life. Our educational system has provided us with all appropriate knowledge, academic qualifications and skills that enable us to earn a living but they do not provide us with the most important thing of all: "How to live a life". That's where life coaching becomes very important today. It shows us how to become masters of our lives and provides us with all the appropriate guidance and tools to make our lives a masterpiece.

Life coaching is for any of us who wants to get back on track in any area of life, be it career, relationship issues, financial matters or well-being. We all have problems and we all want to eliminate these problems and live happier and more fulfilled lives. The Law of Attraction coaching is one of the best tools which will allow us to get from where we are to where we want to be. This law states that we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. However, it is not a magic formula. We need to have a real determination to change and a very strong will power.

Wonderful outcomes are normally achieved most of the time with life coaching and many people experience life changing results. Whether they are finding it difficult to attract the right partner, the right career, more abundance and prosperity, more peace of mind, more success or want to achieve the right balance between personal and professional life, life coaching has all the tools at hand to help anyone achieve their goal.

Some of us find it very difficult to manifest the things that we want because of our limiting beliefs which are most of the time self-imposed or imposed on us by our family, our friends, the environment we live in, etc and these limiting beliefs are stuck in our subconscious minds. A very effective technique to get rid of our limiting beliefs is the Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT. The aim of this technique is to detect our limiting beliefs and fears and then help us eliminate them and replace them by more positive ones. Once the blocks are eliminated, we can start attracting the things that we really want and live our life by design.

We all want to live in a better and happier world and we all dream of a better future for ourselves and our children. It is high time for all of us to really take charge of our lives and live the best possible life we are designed to. In this way, we will be able to positively impact on our family, our environment and on the world at large. The change must begin with each one of us and the right time to change is NOW. As Mahatma Gandhi was right when he said "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Author's Bio:
Priya Deelchand is a Corporate Trainer, Life and Business Coach and Founder of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd. She conducts several workshops on motivation, emotional intelligence, success principles, management and leadership skills. She also coaches and helps people worldwide in both English and French using Law of Attraction, EFT and other powerful techniques. Please visit us at or call us on +230 7580695.

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Einstein Quote


Monday, June 25, 2012

Laugh at yourself and at life

"Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously." Og Mandino

Posted by Priya Deelchand

Know thyself

A Tibetan student was practicing
meditation in his cell when a spider
descended from the ceiling and hung
suspended in front of him.

It slowly spun around, attached to
the end of its web, until the novice
tried to catch it, at which point it
raced back up to the ceiling in a

Every day for a week the student's
meditation was disturbed by the spider.
It even seemed that it was getting
bigger, that it was becoming more
adventurous, and sometimes tried to
swing back and forth in front of him,
with all its legs spread wide.

"This spider is bothering me,"
thought the novice, "and making fun of
me. I'll catch it one day, I know will!"

He became so upset that he went to
ask the advice of his Spiritual Master.

"I hid a knife in my sleeve while I
was meditating," he said. "I wanted to
kill the spider when it came down, but
I didn't succeed. It disappeared the
moment I thought about catching it."

"Replace your knife with a piece of
chalk," the Master replied, "and make a
cross on the spider's back each time it
disturbs your meditation. Come back and
see me in a week."

A week later the novice returned to
his Master's cell and knelt down before
him, his head lowered.

"Lift your robe and look at
yourself," the Master instructed.

To his great surprise, the novice saw
a big X drawn on his own chest.

This short parable may seem absurd,
and yet it contains a profound truth.

The spider that disturbed the novice
during his meditation was his own bad
conscience, which always surfaces when
we are most relaxed. And what do we do?
We accuse it of trying to harm us, we
say that it is someone else, we seek a
threatening monster to fight with. But
the monster, the spider, is our own

We have to be able to look at
ourselves objectively in order to
overcome our worries, before they
assume a form that we have not chosen.

"Know thyself!"

This phrase is attributed to
Socrates, but it also appears on the
facade of the Temple of Delphi. 2500
years later it is still relevant, and
will always remain so!

Author unknown
Posted by Priya Deelchand

Joy in the morning (shared by Priya Deelchand)

Here is a story by Steve Goodier that I would like to share with you today.

Does this sound familiar?

James was cleaning out the attic one day when he came across a ticket
from a shoe repair shop. The date stamped on the ticket showed it was
over eleven years old. He felt sure the shoes would not still be
there, but decided to stop by anyway and check.

He handed the ticket to the man behind the counter, who didn't seem to
be surprised at the date. "Just a minute," said the clerk. " I'll have
to look for these." He disappeared into a back room.

After a few minutes, the clerk called out, "Here they are!"

"That's terrific!" said James, hardly believing his good fortune.

The man came back to the counter, empty-handed. "They'll be ready
Thursday," he said.

We should all be masters of patience; after all, we've had plenty of
practice. But waiting for shoes is one thing, waiting to heal from a
hurt or waiting for a persistent problem to change can be far more

James Melvin Washington shared some wisdom about the importance of
patience in those tough times of life. He said, "My grandmother used
to tell me that every loss is temporary, that every rainy day is
temporary, that every hardship is temporary. She used to tell me,
'Son, every goodbye ain't gone. Just hold on - there's joy coming in
the morning.'"

Are you holding on? It may seem dark now, but morning is coming.

Wish you all a joy filled life!

Shared by Priya Deelchand:

Monday, June 18, 2012

Attracting Prosperity with Positive Affirmations By Priya Deelchand

Attracting Prosperity with Positive Affirmations

Keep doing your best in life

If you want to be happy, be.

Attracting Success With the Law of Attraction by Priya Deelchand

Attracting Success With the Law of Attraction
By Priya Deelchand 

Success means different things to different individuals. It comes in many different forms and the idea of being successful for one person might not be the same as for another person. In fact, there are as many definitions of success as there are people on this planet. For instance, if you are a businessman, success may mean being among the top 10 companies in your industry and if you are a student, success may mean getting distinctions and coming first in your exams. According to Earl Nightingale, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." It is therefore very important for each one of us to define clearly what success means to us.

We can use the Law of Attraction to attract the success we desire in our life. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. If we want to deliberately attract success, we have to follow three steps.

If we want to be successful in our life, then the very first thing we should do is to take the time to decide exactly what success means to us. Clarity is the first step for deliberately attracting the success we desire in our life. Success is a multifaceted personal concept. By defining what the idea of success represents to us and by taking the time to write it down, we will automatically move our life in that direction. Robert Collier was right when he said "The great successful men of the world have used their imagination. They think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building."

Let us say that success to us means becoming an outstanding manager. Most of the time, many people find it very difficult to know exactly what they want as an outstanding manager. One of the best ways to become clear is to make a list of things that we do not want as an outstanding manager. The more things we put in our list, the clearer we become. We do not have to focus on what we do not want to attract but just examine briefly what we do not want. Once we have made a list of around 40 to 50 things that we do not like, we proceed by making the list of things that we do want as an ideal manager. The things that we want are the exact opposite of the things that we do not want. For example, I do not want to be a manager who is not respected by my team will be replaced by I want to be a manager who is highly respected by my team. I do not want to take wrong decisions will be replaced by I always take the right decisions in all situations.

The second step to deliberately attract success is to raise our vibration. We must always bear in mind that we do not get what we want but we get what we vibrate. We must therefore become a "vibrational match" to what we want in order to attract what we truly desire. One way to raise our vibration is to act as if we are already successful and start experiencing how we would be feeling if we had already achieved the success we wanted, how joyful we would feel and how happy and excited we would be as a result of achieving the success we desire. We can also use affirmations or use phrases like "I am very successful now." to raise our vibration to attract the success we desire in our life. We can also use visualization and see ourselves already experiencing the success we want. 

The third step for deliberate attraction is to allow success to manifest in our life. Allowing is the absence of doubt and fear. If we have a strong desire to be successful but at the same time, we have strong doubts, we will never be able to attract what we want because we will be sending mixed signals in the universe. If, on the other hand, we have a strong desire and some doubts, we will attract success, but it will take a little longer. If we want to rapidly manifest success, we have to have a strong desire with no doubt at all.

We all deserve to be successful in life and whatever dreams we have, we all have the potential to achieve them as absolutely nothing is impossible. We just have to follow the great advice of Walt Disney, who rightly said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

Priya Deelchand is a Life and Business Coach and Founder of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd. She coaches and helps people worldwide in both English and French using Law of Attraction, EFT and other powerful techniques. If you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life, please visit us at

Article Source: [] Attracting Success With the Law of Attraction

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Priya Deelchand – Living life by design and not by default

Most of us often come across a moment in our life when we feel we have lost our direction or things we want turn to be not at all what we really wanted.
It is difficult in today hustle and bustle world to remain passionate about our life, especially when we find that we are so busy working and taking care of responsibilities that we have no time left at the end of the day for ourselves. After a while we may begin to wonder why we even bother getting up in the morning.

That is where life Success Strategies Consultants comes in: It offers life coaching, which is a powerful way to jump start our passion again and explore what it is in life that excites us. The answers are hiding inside us and a life coach can  guide us to finding those answers.

Priya Deelchand, creator and director of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd believes that we can and we must all become directors of our lives instead of being mere spectators. Why ‘Success Strategies’? “In fact, I chose the name Success Strategies because all our courses and coaching sessions are intended to make people succeed in their personal and professional lives. There is no specific definition of success as success can mean different things to different individuals. For some people success can mean having lots of money, whereas for another person, success can mean having a very happy and fulfilled life,” she replies.

You might be an executive or the owner of a successful small business looking to find balance between the demands of work and the needs of your family. Perhaps you are a musician, a writer, or an artist looking for a creative breakthrough, or a doctoral candidate looking for the perfect thesis. Maybe it is simply that you want your already great relationship to be spectacular. 

You might even be a twenty-something techno whiz entrepreneur with a brilliant idea for a product or service that will change the world forever. Life coaching is for anyone. “Life coaching is for any of us who wants to get back on track in any area of life, be it career, relationship issues, financial matters or well-being. We all have problems and we all want to eliminate these problems and live happier and more fulfilled lives. Life coaching has all the tools at hand to help anyone achieve their goal,” she articulates.

Before establishing Strategies Consultants Ltd in May 2009, Priya Deelchand worked in the financial sector for almost 10 years as Fund Manager in most of the large Asset Management companies in Mauritius. But she left the financial sector to follow her passion to empower people and help them unlock their unlimited potential. 

“In 2008, when the financial crisis started, work became very hectic and as I was always interested in personal development, I decided to do a course in personal development to better manage myself and cope with the stressful situation at work. While surfing on the Internet, I came across a coaching course in USA offered by the Law of Attraction Centre and I enrolled for the course.  It was about how to live your life by design by attracting what you wanted in different areas of your life. The course was very interesting and I started understanding myself better.”

While doing the course, Priya had to coach other people in order to become a certified coach and she had to coach a group of 20 Americans, aged between 50 and 55 years, who had lost their jobs following the financial crisis. “The financial crisis was a blessing in disguise for them. Now, with coaching, they had a chance to live their lives by design and no longer by default. Many of them started their own businesses and after coaching them for around 6 months, I saw that these people were living happier and more fulfilled lives than before,” she reminisces.

In 2009, after becoming a Certified Coach, she quit her job as Fund Manager and got into coaching. Many people categorised her as “mad” for leaving a secure and highly paid job to do something that was unknown to people in Mauritius in 2009. 

She created Success Strategies Consultants Ltd immediately after and started doing Life and Business coaching. She ran workshops for individuals who wanted to metamorphose their lives for the best. Priya shares that these people started experiencing positive and life changing results and they referred their friends and colleagues to her. 

In 2010, Success Strategies Consultants Ltd became MQA registered Training Institution and started offering tailor-made courses and coaching sessions to managers and employees of many big companies in Mauritius. 

Today, Success Strategies Consultants Ltd offers several workshops in many big companies in Mauritius on leadership, peak performance, emotional intelligence, success principles, self-esteem, changing mindset, positive mental attitude, and motivation, with the aim helping CEOs, managers, executives and employees across all industries make better decisions, improve organisational productivity and achieve personal growth and fulfilment. 

Priya also conducts one to one coaching sessions with individual clients to help them remove their emotional blocks, become more confident, unlock their potentials and achieve their goals. She believes that we are all unique and have unlimited talents but we are not aware of them. 

Through her coaching, management skills and experience, she makes a positive difference in the professional and personal lives of people. Her main objective today is to guide corporate and individual clients towards a better and more harmonious way of living by making full use of their hidden potentials. 

We shall part ways with a piece of wisdom. “I firmly believe that in life, nothing is impossible and whatever we want to do, we all can. We just have to take the appropriate actions to start living the lives of our dreams,” says Priya, oozing an unparalleled, but convincing dose of optimism.